Database of Medicinal Properties and Scientific Name
of Medicinal Plants
Amirhosein Firouzi - ISBN: 978-620-4-72015-9
Medical and Nursing Procedures in Shock
Alireza Bahmani, Fatemeh Molaei, Zahra Sarvari - ISBN: 978-620-4-72014-2
Urban energy system management
based on technologies of cogeneration of electricity and heat
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تقنيات تشكيل وصياغة المشغولات المعدنية الأثرية والتراثية
خاماتها وخواصها وطرق إستخلاصها وأساليب صناعتها
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Islamic Studies in Tamil Nadu - India
Seven Indian Islamic Scholars as Luminaries:Life and Works of Twenty-Two Eminent Islamic Scholars of Tamil Nadu
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Quantum Key Distribution Using FPGA: A Real Time Prototype, Design, and Analysis
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