Arabic Prose Literature and Its Development in Tamil Nadu
Notable Arabic Prose Authors and their Works of Tamil Nadu
K M A Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-7-47870-5
La presse écrite face aux changements culturels en Algérie
cas de la polyphonie au sein de l'article journalistique
RIADH MONIR - ISBN: 978-620-7-47856-9
Multisector Glossary Encyclopedia: English to Arabic
Glossaries:Surveying,Slang,SAP,Safety,Retail, Real Estate,Printing,Publishing,Genetics, Forestry and Medical Instruments
Dr K M A Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-7-47852-1
South India's First Arabic Poet
Shaik Sadaqathullah Appa: Great Scholar of Tamil Nadu
Dr K M A Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-7-47853-8
Endocrine Influence: Unveiling the Dynamics of Hormones and Behavior.
Amina Jasim Al-Hayani, Mohamed Abdel-Raheem - ISBN: 978-620-7-47839-2
المنظومة الزراعية والتعريف بها
مترجم من اللغة الانجليزية
ليث رافع سليم آل جعفر - ISBN: 978-620-7-47829-3
Intertextuality between English and Arabic
A Comparative Study
Essam Taher Muhammed - ISBN: 978-620-7-47850-7
Exemplars of Tamil Nadu State of India
Vision and Mission of Takya Saheb of Kilakkarai and Takya Saheb of Kayalpattanam
Dr K M A Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-7-47844-6