Code Generation for Geometric Algebra

Combining Geometric, Algebraic, and Software Abstractions for Scientific Computations

Ahmad Eid - ISBN: 978-3-330-80465-4

فلسفه الالوان بين اليونان والعرب

حسن كامل إبراهيم - ISBN: 978-3-330-79956-1

عقد الصلح

غسان دربالي - ISBN: 978-3-330-80433-3

The sedimentology of the Rus and Jil Formations.

The sedimentology of the Rus and Jil Formations (l. Eocene)in selected areas, southern Iraq.

Safaa Adeeb Al-bayati - ISBN: 978-3-330-80462-3

Modified Background Subtraction Algorithm for Motion Detection

Marwa Abd El Azeem A. Marzouk - ISBN: 978-3-330-79842-7