Progesterone profiles in breeding and non-breeding season of does goat

Progesterone profiles in breeding and non-breeding season of does goat

Progesterone is a key for minimizing non-breeding season in goats

Noor Publishing ( 21.12.2016 )

€ 23,90

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Progesterone (P4) is a key for minimizing days of non-breeding season in goat, thus does can reproduce throughout the year for useful productive purposes if they are stimulated by P4 in the non-breeding season. P4 is an essential agent in the transition from non-breeding to breeding season, without P4, the behavioral centre of brain will not become sensitive to estrogen and the estrous behavior will be invisible "silent ovulation". This is a characteristic of first ovulation of breeding season. Once the animal goes into luteal phase post-first ovulation, the behavior center receives sufficient priming with P4 to make it sensitive to estrogen produced at the next ovulation which is mostly accompanied by the estrous behavior. After the non-breeding season, many females show silence ovulations or 5 -11 days short estrus cycles in goats due to prematurely regressing CL. Generally, to shorten the non-breeding season days or to increase the fertility during anestrous season by using P4 remains critical question, hence the main goal of this study is to investigate percentages of P4 in Damascus does in non-breeding and breeding seasons, this may minimize days of non-breeding season.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Anas Salem
Nasrat AbdelAti
Gamal Mahmoud

Nombre de pages:


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Agriculture, Horticulture, Sylviculture, Pêche, Nutrition