حضارات سادت ثم بادت - الفينيقيون

تاريخ حضارات

محمد بشار الرفاعي - ISBN: 978-620-5-63442-4

Gwendolyn MacEwen and the middle-Eastern Mythology

The Middle-Eastern Mythology in Gwendolyn MacEwen's Poetry

Huda Aljibory - ISBN: 978-620-5-63455-4

الرياضيات المالية

سماح ميهوب - ISBN: 978-620-4-72410-2

لوِّن عقلك

مقياس إنماط التفكير السته

احمد خليل - ISBN: 978-620-4-72379-2

The Effect of Different Vitamins E and C on Growth Indices

Sarallah Zarei, Jamal Rahimi - ISBN: 978-620-5-63450-9

Investigating the Antimicrobial Medicinal Effects

of the Kernel Extract of Different Materials on the Quality of the Produced Materials

Hamed Afkhami, Mojtaba Kashfi, Hassan Firouzi - ISBN: 978-620-5-63453-0

Useful Information About Gingivitis

and its Treatment that You Should Know

Reza Mahmoudi Anzabi - ISBN: 978-620-5-63452-3

Literary Schools

of the World

Khodadad Kariminasab - ISBN: 978-620-5-63449-3